Kind of decision: ArticleDecisionCourt orderStatement of claimPress releaseLetterCorrection of a mistake in writingOthersJudgementReference of intended rejectionOpinion/ definite applicationLegal decisionECJ-request
Field of law: Agent, realtor + broker lawAgricultural, forestry and fishing lawAir + sea lawAsylum lawBank and loan lawBond, bill + cheque lawBuilding (planning and permission) law Building (private) and work contract lawcapital investmentCaring old, ill + disabled people lawChemical lawCivil court proceeding lawCivil law (execution)Civil law (general)Civil servants lawClub + association lawCommercial (public) lawCompanies (others) + concern lawCompany law (Limited, GmbH (german), s.a.r.l. (fr.), s.r.l. (ital.), etc.), Company law (partnerships)Company law (stock corporation or limited company on shares)Compensation lawCompetition lawCompulsory administration law (real estate)Compulsory auction law (real estate)Computer + EDP lawCondominium association lawConstututional law (rest)Consumer lawContract award lawCopyright lawCost law (courts, authorities)Criminal law (court procedure)Criminal law (execution + probation)Criminal law (material)Custody of legally incompetent people lawdata, data protection and statistic lawDrug lawEast german lawEmployment law (collective bargaining)Employment law (collective)Employment law (dismissal and other termination)Employment law (individual)Employment law (procedural and enforcement)Employment law (unemployment benefits)Energy lawEnvironment + garbage lawEU 2007 (Bulgaria + Romania)EU insolvency lawEurope (EU + EEA) lawFamily (+ long term relationship) lawFamily law (maintenance between divorced)Family law (maintenance between relatives)Family law (maintenance between splitted - non divorced)FDG (former East Germany) lawFee law (architects)Fee law (Insolvency administrators + compulsory administrator for real estate)Fee law (Lawyers)Fee law (mediciners + other therapeutics)Fee law (notaries)Fee law (others)Fee law (tax consultants)Food, alcohol, tobacco, etc. lawForeign trade and customs lawForeigner (non citizen) lawFranchise + cartel lawFundamental rights - allFundamental rights - freedom of speech + gatheringFuneral or burial lawgeneral standard terms and conditionsHotel + pub lawHunting lawIdentification card lawImplements lawInformation lawinheritance lawInsolvency law (national)Insurance law (private)Insurance law (social)International civil proceeding and enforcement lawInternational companies lawInternational criminal lawInternational employment lawInternational family and inheritance lawInternational patent and other intellectual property lawInternational private lawInternational public + states lawInternational tax lawInternet domain lawInternet lawLaw history + roman empire lawLeasing/rent law of movable thingsLeasing/rent law of real estateLegal aid lawLiability lawLoan securing + guaranty lawMedia law (now at press law)Medicin law - generalMedicin law - liabilityMining lawMunicipiality lawNeighbourhood lawNuclear lawOccupation law (certified public accountants)Occupation law (lawyers and notaries)Occupation law (mediciners + other therapeutic occupations)Occupation law (others)Occupation law (tax consultants)Party + parlamentarian lawPatent, registered pattern, design patent, agricultural sortsPharma + medicine lawPolice + security lawPress + media lawPublic administration law (business)Public administration law (execution)Public administration law (general)Public administration law (procedure)Real estate lawReal law (not only estate)Religious law incl. church lawSales lawSchool lawService contract law (without employment law)Social law (general)Social law (procedure)Soldier + war lawSport + art lawStates liability + compensationStock market lawStreetdriving + car lawSubsidy lawTax law (on profits)Tax law (on substance)Tax law (on transactions)Tax law (procedure)Telecommunication lawTrade lawTrademark lawTransport + moving lawTravel lawUniversity lawUSA lawUSA lawWeapon lawxx - radio lawxx-Acta - int. intellectual property protection in the internetxx-Archive lawxx-guardian lawxx-Publishers law
Target group: Students Articled clerks Firms
Show only: Decisions, etc., with guiding principle Decisions, etc. signed for startpage